Thursday, March 06, 2025

Movie review - "Heaven's Gate" (1980) *** (warning: spoilers)

 Looks gorgeous. Cimino spent a lot of money but it's up there on screeen. Every shot is like a painting.

Opening scene with John Hurt making speeches at Harvard doesn't really make sense.  There's pretty dances and bands and it looks tremendous - it doesn't have the universality of people getting married.

A key problem of the movie is Cimino is so in love with set pieces and sets. A train arriving. A horse drawn carriage. Rollerskating. Landscapes. It lacks the personal touch. It is pretty funny in that one scene where there's a juggler in the background. Some over the top action sequences like little battles. The immigrants have no personality.

And yet... 

There is greatness. In bits. Isabelle Huppert is captivating. The love triangle between Chris Walken, her and Kris Kristofferson works a treat. Walken's part is terrific. Kristofferson less strong - he looks wonderful and I think Cimino was in love with filming him in poses. 

The acting is fine. Sam Waterson as baddy.  Jeff Bridges as Kristofferson's mate. Walken - who steals the show.

No one enjoys sex here. I'm noticing that in Cimino films. Kristofferson and Huppert frolic nude but don't often do it. The other hookers look poorly. Huppert is raped.

The plot is actually simple. The bankers/land barons do up a death list. Execute. The people push back. Chaos. 

Easy to see the bits that needed to be fixed - give John Hurt some point, some genuine tie with Kristofferson. Cut all the stuff that has no story point. Trim it down. Really the story should've been properly told from the POV of immigrants - rather, the lead. I think Cimino had a man crush on Kristofferson.  His stakes don't compare. I mean, make Kristofferson an immigrant... the story comes alive a lot more.

The ending is moving with Kristofferson old, rich and sad. But wow what a downer - the government helps the richies, most of the immigrants die, then Bridges and Huppert are killed just to make us feel especially bad. 

Reviews were hysterically negative. I understand why but they shouldn't have been. It's not a masterpiece - Cimino needed a co writer - but it's a work that deserves appreciation.

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