Thursday, August 08, 2024

The New World Pictures Stock Company

 Surely one of the strongest stock companies ever in studio history? Up there with Warners in the 40s?

The key players:

1) Paul Bartel - a skilled director and marvelous scene stealing actor, big, bald, funny and warm, absolutely splended

2) Mary Woronov - leggy, spectacular camp, huge fun, always good

3) Dick Miller - good luck for Joe Dante and Jonathan Kaplan and for good reason, always a pleasure to see him

4) Roberta Collins - I count her as a stock company because she rarely played the lead (unlike say Pam Grier and Candice Rialson) - gorgeous, and fun

5) Don Steele - DJ who I'm sure was a big deal and all but who means nothing outside the US other than these films which is fine as he's fun

6) Other directors - routinely roped in for bit parts in New World films (I exclude Bartel from this, despite being a director, because he was a proper actor): Jon Kaplan, Chuck Griffith, Joe Dante, etc.

7) Barbara Steel - the black haired beauty lived up several New Worlds with her campy enigmatic appearance

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