Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Movie review - "Willow" (1988) ***

 Considered a disappointment at the time but the years have been kind - the family feel, the novelty of a little person in the lead, young and attractive Val Kilmer and Joanne Whalley, gorgeous production design. Warwick Davis is winningin the lead.

The movie does lacka little something. Maybe the humour doesn't quite work. Maybe Whalley is, for all her beauty, a little bland. Maybe a baby is a dull maguffin.

Actually I think I know what it is - the film doesn't work on its relationships: Davis and Kilmer, Whalley and Kilm,er Davis and the kid. There's lots of interesting character by play at the top in the little people village but not on the journey. For instance at the end when Kilmer shakes Davis' hand it's like... what do they mean to each other? Ditto Whalley and Kilmer. In Star Wars the relationshiups were clearl.

Like I say though the film has a lot of pleasures.

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