Sunday, August 11, 2024

Movie review - "Explorers" (1985) ***1/2

 I remember when this film came out it seemed to be such a natural hit with its concept - three kids build a spaceship - but the public didn't go for it (though it developed a fan base). It's has a wonderful tone, affectionate and fun, with the trio of young leads including Ethan Hawke and River Phoenix.

It may have treated the topic too lightly - it's very easy to build the ship and fly and go into space, and meeting the aliens is perfunctory rather than awe inspiring. Maybe it needed a firmer antagonist - genuine threat. The shaggy dog ending does have its integrity - it makes sense. There is some emotion lacking.

Also I think one of the three boys should have been a girl it would've given female interest. Drew Barrymore plays a key role in ET. (Amanda Peterson, of future early death, is a girl Hawke has a crush on but she doesn't go on he trip).

I don't want to be critical I'm just trying to understand why the film wasn't a bigger hit, made with skill, affection and love.

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