Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Movie review - "Jaws" (1975) *****

 Why is it awesome? Many reasons. Beautiful locations, directions, cast (even minor roles0. Watching it I. kept thinking how executives would've ruined it. I'm sure they tried.

Why is the script good:

- verisimilitude

- exposition wrapped in humour

- makes a nice guy ordinary man likeable (cute stuff with kids, job and wife "want to get drunk and fool around")

- uses basic oppositional dramatics: mayor cares about money more than safety, main hero isn't as smart as Richard Dreyfus or touch as Robert Shaw and doesn't like water, but is the last one standing

- great tension... the town think they've got it sussed, but they dont, the top fisherman is killed, then they go on a boat but it breaks down and is crap, then Shaw thinks he's got it sussed but he doesn't. and Dreyfuss thinks he can do it but he doesn't

- has three contrasting heros, Mr Average, Mr Smart, Mr Brawn

Location work was all worth it. Simply wonderful.

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