Monday, July 01, 2024

Bruce Willis Top Ten Films

No TV so no Moonlighting.

 1) Die Hard (1988) - I'll get this over with

2) Pulp Fiction (1994)

3) Look Who's Talking (1989) - his voice did help

4) The Last Boy Scout (1991) - can't believe it wasn't a bigger hit

5) Die Hard with a Vengeance (1995) - the best of the sequels

6) Armageddon (1998) - craptacular fun

7) Sin City (2005) - kind of forgotten now but fun in its day

8) Looper (2012) - he would take these risks and they would pay off 

9) 12 Monkeys (1995)

10) Planet Terror (2005

I can't think of any other top Hollywood star who took as many risks.

Another one for fun, top ten Bruce fiascos

1) North

2) The Story of Us

3) The Bonfire of the Vanities

4) Hudson Hawk

5) Blly Bathgate

6) Color of Night

7) Four Rooms

8) Perfect Stranger

9)  Cop Out 

10) Breakfast of Champions

Even those are interesting. "Fiascos" is probably mean. They are, mostly, big swings - what an interesting star he was.

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