Friday, July 26, 2024

Movie review - "The Broken Melody" (1938) *** (re-watching)

 A bunch of Hollywood tropes thrown in a blender which included FJ Thwaites' original novel - much changed but the bones are still there. It's about a nepo baby, awkwardly if likeably played by Lloyd Hughes, who is kicked out of college for brawling, then disowned by his dad, can't get a job, hooks up with Alec Kellaway and Diane du Cane, is poor, then eventually finds fame as a composer.

The relationship between Hughes and du Cane is contrived but nicely emotional. Rosalind Kennerdale is great fun as a diva though her being tied up at the end isn't that great - and my sympathy is kind of with her, I mean du Cane isn't entitled to a show. Frank Harvey hams it up.

Spectacular opera sequences. Striking opera. Hughes never convinces as someone who lives in Australia but he's fine.

I wonder why Shirley Ann Richards wasnt in this? Maybe the only natural role for her would be the sister which was too small. She could've played du Cane's part...

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