Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Movie review - "Rockets Galore" (1957) **

 No one has much good to say about this delayed sequel to Whiskey Galore! made after Ealing stopped operations but its spirit lived on. There are some good moments. It is in colour and has Scottish scenery. There's an unpleasant vibe about the army wanting to kick people out for a rocket range... that's a good villain I guess, it's just not fun.

Donald Sinden is the officer sent to investigate. His romance with Jeannie Carson (who sings several songs) has a lot of potential, they match well, but feels patchy - we don't see them properly meet, or see her shock when it's revealed he works for the army, or see them fall in love.

The cast is very strong. Ronnie Corbett has a small role early in his career. There's some funny gags and satire, like about the English not understanding the Scots, and the Brits having a German rocket scientist, and the stuff with the seagull was sweet. There are good moments. And if I were John Davis I might've greenlit this too - even if it was a late gap sequel, colour is a reason to film it. But Michael Relph wasn't as good a director as he was producer.

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