Friday, September 02, 2022

Movie review - "Sound of Thunder" (2005) **

 Ray Bradbury's classic short story was turned into a notorious bomb - notorious mostly because it cost $80 million and the special effects are cheap. Peter Hyams has a strong track record - things happen. The frustrating aspect of that is the movie is such that they would've been better off faking the future. Three are lots of scenes you don't need to see like walking along with zapping cars. They could have just walked. Kept it minimal.

Ed Burns isn't entirely convincing as a scientist/hunter - they probably should have given this role to Ben Kingsley who hams it up enjoyably as a tycoon. Catherine McCormick is okay in a dull role - dogged scientist. There's a decent support cast but they struggle against unconvincing effects and some clunky dialogue.

I didn't mind the effects so much on my laptop where I watched it. And the basic story is fine. It could have had more finesse the way Bradbury's story did.

There was actually no need for this to be set in the future actually - it could've been set in the future or very near future, with corporations doing it on the sly. Would've been cheaper, sold the story more.

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