Saturday, September 10, 2022

Movie review - "Our Time" (1974) **1/2

 A female go at Summer of 42 with Pamela Sue Martin and Betsy Slade as two friends in a 1950s boarding school hung up on sex. It was directed by Peter Hyams who wrote a woman's picture, TR Baskin but not this one - it was penned by Jane Stanton.  The gals really talk about sex a lot and are boy crazy. Parker Stevenson is Martin's bloke.

Martin's character actually has a pretty cruisy time - Stevenson loves her, they have nice sex. The bulk of the drama is carried by Slade, not pretty enough, who has impulsive sex, gets pregnant, has an abortion, dies. The best sequence is visiting the abortionist - it's scary, the helpers are mean, the abortionist turns out to be quite nice... but Slade still dies.

The film kind of vanished, I think in part because it has no love story (Martin and Stevenson come in as basically an established couple). But it is interesting.

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