Saturday, September 24, 2022

Movie review - "Peeper" (1975) **

 There were a lot of pastiches of old time Hollywood in the 70s - Peter Hyams did one for TV and now did this. The script is full of quips but rarely funny there's plenty of story but it's not interesting, no one really plays an interesting character it's all rehashed Big Sleep only without as much life.

Michael Caine is professional and always likeable but it's weird to see him as a British PI in 1947 Hollywood (which might've made a more interesting movie than this if explored). Nice to see Natalie Wood in her least interesting cinematic decade but her character isn't much - none of it is much. It isn't bad just dull. Actually that probably makes it bad. Technical credits fine, as Variety would say. Lacks a jazzy support cast.

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