Friday, November 27, 2020

Movie review - "When Worlds Collide" (1951) ***1/2

 Much better than Destination Moon - stronger story, more memorable characters, females (well, one Smurfette). Has one of the all time great set ups - a planet is headed to destroy the earth so we'd better get off and set up at another planet. Full on. Much of the world refuses to see there's a problem (hello global warming parallels before warming was a thing) but some richies stump up the cash. There's lottos to pick who goes and... this film actually raises more issues than it can deal with, it basically has a greedy millionaire in a wheelchair, some random couple, and a love triangle involving Barbara Rush and two guys who want her (a doctor and a pilot).

The fact most of the human race is going to be wiped out isn't really dealt with - this should be remade. But it's a kick arse story, the acting is decent, I liked Barbara Rush, the others were fine, the effects were decent (superb for the time). It's a serious, full on, big stakes film.

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