Thursday, November 19, 2020

Movie review - "Doc Savage The Man of Bronze" (1975) *

 A low-ish budget didn't help but wasn't fatal. A goofy tone didn't help either but wasn't fatal. This was simply inepty made without love or care.

Maybe it's faithful to the books. I can't believe the books are this stupid or unexciting. There's no charm. No sense of adventure.

It's shot like an episode of a TV series complete with backlot shooting and Frank De Vol score. It's undercast. Some players try to ham it up - at least they try.

Ron Ely is unmemorable as Doc Savage. His sidekicks are the worst things- indistinguishable and bland. They could be cut out of the movie. I hated his sidekicks.

It's dopey. Lazy.

Pamela Hensley at least adds from beauty. They just should have made it about her and Doc Savage. Or just made it well.

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