Monday, December 02, 2019

Movie review - "Sweeney!" (1977) ***

I'm not that familiar with the classic 70s British cop show but can get some idea from this movie - lots of brown jackets, big ties, tousled hair, men yelling at each other, women with bobs. At the time people took this sort of stuff for granted but it has extra interest now because cop shows are so different.

John Thaw and Denis Waterman are great value as the yelly cops. Thaw falls for a woman who is a whore - I think he smacks her around. Barry Foster is a slimy type, Colin Welland plays a journalist. There's some violence and nudity which presumably you couldn't show on TV at the time.

But it's tough and fast and zips along. The plot isn't overly complicated which I think is the right idea. A shame they couldn't have gotten some Arab actors to play Arabs.

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