Friday, December 27, 2019

Movie review - "The Return of Captain Invincible" (1982) *1/2

I wanted to like this movie more than I did. I get the joke - a pastiche of comic books and spy films and superhero movies and all that. But it's not funny. Or charming. I didn't like it was a kid and I don't like it now.

It feels too adult, not as in grown up, just as in serious and depressing. It's darkly lit, lacks a sense of humour. I'm not sure Philippe Mora was a great comic director. He also fails to convey the underlying drama of the situation - in short hand it's a good story (alcoholic superhero makes comeback) but that isn't realised. In fairness it's a tricky production.

Alan Arkin is okay - I think  a more obviously comic actor would have worked better. Kate Fitzpatrick feels miscast in a role that needed say Pamela Stephenson or Jackie Weaver - she doesn't seem to be having a good time. Michael Pate and Christopher Lee are excellent. When Lee sings "Name Your Poison" the film livens up and you get a sense of what this could have been. But it isn't. Indeed, it's a musical where you could easily cut away the musical numbers.

Various odd people pop up like Graham Kennedy, so there is that. And there is no film quite like it. I just wish it was more fun.

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