Monday, December 02, 2019

Movie review - "Assault on Precinct 13" (1976) ***1/2

As an action film this is actually kind of clunky - the gang members lumber at the station like zombies (apparently George Romero was an influence) with the heroes blasting away from them.

But it has a wonderfully creepy mood helped by Carpenter's classic score, the nihilistic feel (the faceless gangs swarming, the ice truck man randomly killed - as well as the girl... this is scarier than the corrupt cops in the remake), the visuals of the empty streets and broken down buildings, glass on the floor.

The acting is erratic in places but effective  -Austin Stoker as the taciturn cop just trying to do his job, Darwin Joston in the showiest role as the death row prisoner who becomes a hero, Laurie Zimmer as the sweater wearing receptionist who kills as many as any of the guys (Carpenter seems to accentuate her chest).

Tony Burton went on to be Apollo's trainer in the Rocky movies.

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