Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Movie review - "The Dirt" (2019) **

The book on Motley Crue is a deserved classic - you feel exhausted reading it, but it's amazing. The filmmakers tried to do it justice but they're not up to it. It needed to be done with the pizzaz of Martin Scorsese - for when the filmmakers try to do that this comes alive: characters talking to camera, a voice over saying "we couldn't fit this character in the film"... that's when it's great, and totally beats the biopic cliches.

It needed to be that all the way through - use, I don't know, animation sequences, musical sequences, just go to down. There's a little of it. But they didn't have the courage, time or money to go all the way and there's too much standard stuf.

The actors aren't up to it either. They've got the right look but it's all surface. There's nothing deep not even with one of the characters losing his four year old daughter to cancer.

It doesn't have the warmth of something like Entourage - it doesn't have the debauchery or satirical edge, either. (You know that's who they should have gotten to make this - Rob Weiss or someone.)

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