Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Movie review - "Savage Sisters" (1974) **

One of the last of the white-women-in-peril-in-the-Philippines films, a genre which temporarily flourished after The Big Doll House. Many of them were, like this one, produced by John Ashley and Eddie Romero.

Ashley once said this was one of his most expensive films and it looks better than others he had made (or maybe I saw a better print) - decent photography, the actresses look as though some attention's been paid to their appearance.

It's a lively film - quite jaunty. I liked how it was basically about three girls and they got to triumph. Gloria Hendry is a fun star as is Cheri Caffaro. Ashley gives one of his liveliest performances as a sort of con man who falls in with the girls.

It feels stagnant a lot of the time - like it could do with more pace or movement or something. Also the film never seems to be able to decide how exploitative it wants to be - there's some rape and torture and death but the depiction is pulled back. The tone is never quite right.

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