Friday, October 27, 2017

Script review - "Say Anything" by Cameron Crowe

Crowe has written four classics in his career - Fast Times, this, Jerry Maguire and Almost Famous. This is a lovely simple story - it's just boy meets girl, but all the characters and scenes are fresh. Lloyd Dobler is unique - army brat, kick boxer (put in to make him seem less whimpy?), romantic, best friend with girls, impulsive, passionate. Diane is fantastic - beautiful, a nerd, adores being loved,loyal. The dad is good too - self righteous, loving, good for his old people patients, a crook.

Full of quirky touches, like the lawyers dealing, the relationship between Lloyd's mate Corey and her emotionally abusive ex Joe (I like the songs she sings about him), the school teacher who asks out Diane, the moment Diane realises how much she's missed out at school, the old person's home songs. Lloyd does get a bit "stalk-y" in one or two moments.

A lovely movie.

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