Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Movie review - "Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice" (2016) **1/2

This starts off pretty well - I enjoy the brooding Zak Snyder world and the booming Hans Zimmer score. Ben Affleck is a strong Bruce Wayne/Batman, helped by greying temples and the fact you believe he's (a) tormented (b) rich (c) a bit crazy.

The Honest Trailers version of this summed up the film better than I could - it's a good Batman film, a confusing Superman film, which features some really cool action sequences and goes on far too long. There's not enough Batman vs Superman - the conflict it set up quite well, from Batman's POV anyway, you can understand why Batman distrusts Superman. It's a bit wobbly why Superman doesn't like him, and Lex Luthor's plan is super confusing. The dispute is resolved in a famously unconvincing bit of business.

The appearance of Wonder Woman and cameos from Acquaman and the Flash were a little bit enjoyable but I get the feeling the film might've been better off without them because it felt overloaded. The last third was very loud and noisy.

It's always nice to see Oscar winners sparking up a comic book movie - Holly Hunter, Jeremy Irons - though also depressing because you know it means they don't have any other gigs going. Gal Gadot impresses as Wonder Woman but Henry Cavill really isn't killing it as Superman.

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