Monday, October 02, 2017

Script review - "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" by William Goldman

I've read an awful lot about this script, in part because Goldman often refers to it - it's got his idea character intros, and ending, and was so successful.

It's weird to read it - there's a lot of empty spaces and the script clocks in at over 180 pages. It's got a wonderful central relationship, a bromance, with the girl in there as well but the boys are into each other more than her. Full of casual, witty by play.

It does go on a long and there's lots of bits that aren't so great - endless chase scenes, hanging out at a brothel; even the South American sojourn was longer than I remembered; the bifocals line.

But the classic bits remain strong: the intro, meeting Sundance, the kick in the balls; the robberies; the finale; Etta leaving. I think I prefer All the President's Man for Goldman's screenplays but this is very good.

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