Sunday, January 01, 2017

Movie review - "It Conquered Hollywood! The Story of American International Pictures" (2001) ****

Fun documentary about one of my favourite - if not the favourite - movie studio: American International Pictures. If you're a fan of the studio you probably have already read a lot about it - the memoirs of Sam Arkoff and Roger Corman, the books of Mark Thomas McGee, etc. I certainly had so there wasn't that much in it I didn't already know - but it was great to see talking heads such as Arkoff, Corman, and McGee. We also hear from Joe Dante (who I don't think ever worked for AIP but did for its spiritual off spring, New World Pictures), AIP talent like Susan Hart and Aaron Kincaid.

There's a brilliant clip where Nicholson and Arkoff argue in front of a camera over the message of Wild in the Streets. I would've liked more of that and a longer running time.

Bogdanovich does the narration, even though he didn't really make anything for AIP. Someone more tabloid-y and rapid-fire, less sonorous might've been better (like say Dante). He doesn't "feel" AIP, that's all.

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