Saturday, February 27, 2010

Radio review – Lux – “The Awful Truth” (1955) ***1/2

The film that launched Cary Grant as the major romantic comedian of the 20th century - this radio adaptation sees him reunited with Irene Dunne, and their playing remains highly enjoyable. It has more of a driving story than My Favourite Wife, although the basic situation is less strong - it has four parts: the break up of the marriage, both having new trashy partners (she an Oklahoma oil man, he a trashy singer), he looks like getting engaged, they get back together. Listening to this years later it's striking how easy it would be to do a gay remake of the story - a sophisticated, childless couple who have a hard time remaining faithful (in spirit if nothing else), who have custody disputes over their dog and make fun of people from fly-over states.

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