Saturday, February 27, 2010

Radio review - Lux - “All My Sons” (1950) ***1/2

Not an adaptation of Arthur Miller's excellent play but an adaptation of the film version of the play which means it's been watered down a bit. Burt Lancaster's character, the surviving son, in particular feels as though he's been cleaned up (NB this may not be true, it's been a while since I read the play, it just feels like that). Nonetheless the piece still retains a fair amount of power, particularly the bit where they read the letter from the dead son at the end. Edward Arnold steps in to Edward G Robinson's role as a very sympathetic "villain", a forerunner to Willy Loman's distraught businessman. The radio version keeps the film change in that we get to meet and listen to Joe Keller's gaoled partner.

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