Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Movie review - "A Woman's Tale" (1991) **** (warning: spoilers)

 Paul Cox in selfless mode, a tribute to Sheila Florance. This is a litte mean but I could take or leave her acting but it's just so wonderful she's got this starring vehicle and she was dying and is making a film about a woman dying. I can't resist that showmanship!

There's a lot of love - for Florance, for the old, for life, Gosia Dobrowolska as a kind nurse who is using Florance's flat to root her married lover (this plot feels as though it's undercooked - Cox routinely under-services his subplots), Chris Haywood as her daggy but loving son, Norma Kaye as a dementia riddled neighbour (Kaye later had dementia), the shifty landlord. 

Occasionally it lacks focus but it holds because of the reality and the ending where the nurse kills Florance in her bed which is so logical and true.

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