I think Paul Cox ran out of personal stories in the 80s so he turned to novels, which was an ideal step. This involves some brothers, led by Chris Haywood, who kidnap the granddaughter of a rich relative (Norman Kaye) but also pick up a nun (Gosia Dobrowolska).
Most of the film is Haywood being horny for Dobrowolska who is clearly not into it - Haywood is pudgy and sweaty basically trying to coerce Dobrowlska into sex. Cox plays the reality of it so we don't get trashy fun of the nun really wanting to be rammed by this hot criminal.
The film tackles interesting themes - class, sex, money. The character of the kidnapped girl isn't much - she's a kidnapped girl (played by Haywood's daughter). Haywood and Dobrowolska really commit.
Cox sets up a galaxy of potentially terrific support characters - black brother, mentally handicapped brother, slimy rich Kaye - but doesn't do anything with them. It's at least 40 minutes of Haywood coercing Dobrowlska into sex, she seems to do it and is clearly traumatised. Then he's shot dead. The end.
What's done is done well I just wished once again Cox had used a co writer because the script is so easily to edit - reduce the core couple, cut away to others.
Still, worth watching. I'm surprised how much I'm enjoying these Cox movies.
Oh and for all his endless complaining about mortgaging his house he spent almost $2 million on this film. The Australian taxpayer gave him a lot of money. I'm sympathetic, truly, but his films didn't have a great rate of return.
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