Saturday, January 25, 2025

Movie review - "Take Me High" (1973) **

 Cliff Richard's last proper movie, it came and went fairly quickly, but it could have worked. I think it was just too cheap.

He plays a merchant banker dude who wants to go to New York but is sent to Birmingham to close some deal. He fals in love with a local girl and a local restaurant.

It's a musical - Richard sings some songs on screen - but also at times it isn't, the songs play on the soundtrack. There's a weird number where he and Anthony Andrews are in a car and a duet between them plays on the soundtrack and they are clearly thinking the song but not singing it. That happens a few times. Lik when Deborah Watling visits him on the boat and he thinks the song, doesn't sing it - why not have him sing it? Was this an artistic decision or to save money?

Deborah Watling is fine I guess. George Cole is terrific as is Hugh Griffith.

I don't mean to be rude but Birmingham isn't that visually pretty. This really needed to be set in say Scotland or Ireland or Brighton or somewhere there were prettier pictures.

I did really like Cliff staying in a funky boat on the canal, that was cool. And the street march.

Not well directed. Works as an ad for a hamburger. Needlessly confusing plot.

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