Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Movie review - "Terror Train" (1981) ** (warning: spoilers)

 Slasher film set on a train without a lot of gore - it's more a thriller - with a decent budget and cast: Jamie Leigh Curtis, Ben Johnson, Hart Bochner, the magician David Copperfield (!). It was Roger Spotiswoode's first movie.

The concept of a slasher on a train can work - it did in Horror Express - but I'm not sure it does here. Maybe because part of the joy of a train movie is the cross section of people and here it's just teens. I didn't get the sense that the train was moving or that it was dangerous outside but maybe I dozed off.

It looks slick, is well acted and Copperfield's role is well integrated - he's a magician who is the main suspect. The magic stuff is different. There's a trans twist at the end which got old fast.

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