Friday, April 21, 2023

Movie review - "Metropolitan" (1990) ****

 You have to forgive it for its rawness, low budget and erratic acting but the cast are very likeable, in some cases outstanding (Chris Eigeman, plus Carolyn Farina's Audrey gives it real heart and soul). The real star is the script which is great - it's funny, with some stand out characters.

It also embraces universal themes - Tom the outsider (the red hair of the actor really helps sell this), clinging to his socialist beliefs, gradually enjoying being with the gang, still hung up on Serena. Audrey, good hearted, self conconscious, attracted to Tom even though she shouldn't because he's at least smart and has read books and has opinions - then watches him go after other people.

The female characters aren't as well defined as a the male ones - I think Stillman had very strong ideas of how the men should go (Taylor Nicols, Eigemann, red head, drunk guy) and thus had four women to match: Audrey and... then basically did three others who were variations (more sexually forthright). They are good, mind, and have strong scenes they just tend to blend into each other (one wants to be a singer and is an exhibitionist, another is hung up on Rick... actually I think two are hung up on Rick).

I loved the scene where they chatted to the older yuppy who was miserable - that gave this extra texture, as did glimpses of Tom Towsend's mother.

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