Thursday, January 12, 2023

Top Ten Eddie Murphy

 1. Trading Places (1983) - the first of his I saw

2. Beverly Hills Cop (1984) - will never forget seeing this in the cinema

3. Shrek (2001) - the film has, I guess, become tired in the memory because it was so exploited but his voice work is marvelous

4. Coming to America (1988) - charming leading man performance, superb comic riffs

5. Boomerang (1992) - not well remembered but very enjoyable riff on Cary Grant style films

6. Dolemite is My Name (2019) - lovely biopic with Murphy very engaging

7. Bowfinger (1996) - brilliant as a movie star

8. 48 Hours (1982) - taken for granted a little, but he's very good

9. The Distinguished Gentleman (1992) - hey I always liked it

10. Harlem Nights (1990) - I'm putting this up here just 'cause

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