Sunday, January 01, 2023

Book review - Rumpole#6 - "Rumpole's Last Case"

 "Rumpole and the Winter Break" - Rumpole defends a Muslim.

"Rumpole and the Blind Tasting" - some satire of wine with the Timsoms up for stolen win. Fiona Allways is too boring storywise so they bring in Liz Probert which was a good idea.

"Rumpole and the Bright Seraphim" - defends a soldier found dead in a woman's dress. Based on a true story, the military setting gives it freshness.

"Rumpole and the Judge's Elbow" - Guthrie on the bench and gets in trouble. Lots of fun.

"Rumpole and the Official Secret" - spies and murder, a rather outlandish tale on a way.

"Rumpole and the Old, Old Story" - Hilda kicks out Rumpole who moves in with the Erskine Browns which funny. Solid murder story.

"Rumpole's Last Case" - Rumpole thinks he's going to gamble his way out of trouble and you know it's not going to happen so it's quite funny and touching.

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