Saturday, November 05, 2022

Movie review - "Stay Hungry" (1976) **

 The difference between a real star and a handsome character actor. Jack Nicholson is a star. The film would've been perfect for him - a Southern rich boy who falls in with characters at a gym as park of a shonky land deal. But they've got Jeff Bridges. Handsome, excellent actor. Just not a star. Doesn't have the charisma.

This is an odd sort of movie. Rich kid means... gym. Sally Field is in a career changing performance as the receptionist, flashing her but and boobs. She's very good. Arnie is in this too. (Rafelson's casting eye was really good - there's also Robert Englund and Robert Moseley).

Some Rafelson regulars like Scatman Crothers are in this. The film feels like it's made up as it goes along. I went with this for a bit but then got bored.

I'm surprised this got Rafelson kicked off FIST (according to Joe Eszterhas) but it's not very good. The best thing about it is the acting, especially Sally Field.

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