Tuesday, November 01, 2022

Movie review - "Five Easy Pieces" (1970) ***1/2

 The "two" in the one-two punch from Jack Nicholson following Easy Rider. A big hit, critically acclaimed - very much a moment in 1970. Not obviously commercial - I know that's not everything but jeez, it hit the moment. I guess it had a big new star in a charismatic performance. It also had a bit of nudity and sex - Nicholson rooting Karen Black then also his brother's girl, Susan Anspach. There's some interesting quirks like location filming in Washington and the gimmick of Nicholson being a pianist and oil field worker.

While it's got selfish man-itis - lots of sex, dumping women, abusing waitress - the female roles strong, thanks to a female writer, one feels: Karen Black's low rent girlfriend, Anspach's lust object (human enough to be attracted to Nicholson, smart enough to not go with him), Toni Basil as a hippy type, Helena Kallianiotes as a rebel type.

Beautiful photography.

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