Monday, May 09, 2022

Movie review - "Vendetta" (1950) **

 One of Howard Hughes' most notorious projects, with plenty of hiring and firings, a number of directors (among them Max Ophuls, Stewart Heisler and Preston Sturges, though the film is solely credited to Mel Ferrer), a Hughes starlet in the lead (Faith Domergue), a Hughes leading man featured (no one remembered them because they didn't have big breasts and/or become famous but there were a few, George Dolenz is here). There is plenty of narration.

Domergue is a Corsican determined to avenge the murder of her father and... that's about it. This is a dull slog. It stumbles long, with lousy photography and amateurish acting. Some familiar faces are competent, like Nigel Bruce and Hilary Brooke, but too much lies on the inadequate shoulders of Domergue, Dolenz and Donald Buka. 

Remarkably unsexy - there's not even Hughes-esque low cut gowns. It just stumbles on, then stops. Other Hughes films are a lot more interesting.

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