Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Movie review - "The Suicide Squad" (2021) **

 This sounded like a great idea - get James Gunn to have a crack. Margot Robbie is terrific once more. Actually all the actors are good except John Cena, who struggles with the comedy.

But this has a black heart. There's a whole segment where the Squad go and shoot all these people - sometime electrocute them, cut their heads, etc... then, hahahahaha, it turns out they're friendly revolutionaries, hahahahah.

And there's a sequence where they discover all these people who've been tortured and mutated over 30 years. Is that fun?

And the team operate with an incredible lack of professionalism - going to a bar and boozing on.

Then we're meant to care when the characters are given backstory involving their parnts?

The film must break some kind of record for killing off NS guards. After a while I started to feel sorry for her.

Daniela Melchior is fun as the sleepy rat girl. The shark is entertaining (Stallone did the voice).

It's just a mean spirited film. I also think Americans don't go for films where their government is really really bad.

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