Saturday, November 27, 2021

Movie review - "Hunting" (1990) ** (warning: spoilers)

 Frank Howson changes genres by coming up with a thriller, an erotic thriller I think it's meant to be, which is a good idea. Photography is stylish as always in his films - the ones at this stage anyway. Kerry Armstrong is ideal in the lead - she's gorgeous, has a naive look perfect for her character. (Is that her taking the nude shower or a body double? And in the bum showing sex scenes?)

John Savage isn't idea - maybe in real life he's number one ladies' man but on film he's got crazy eyes and he and Armstrong have nil chemistry. Really his part should've been played by Guy Pearce who plays Savage's sidekick. I think the lack of chemistry is to do with Savage because later on he roots Rebecca Rigg and that's flat too.

Armstrong has this dead beat husband who comes across as a creep, but is works for the story because you don't blame her for cheating. When Pearce has him killed it's almost a relief.

The plotting is a bit iffy... why not use Savage's skullduggery a bit more? A lot of it feels as though it could've been utlised more - the character of Pearce, Armstrong's boss Rhys McConniche, Rebecca Rigg.  This was typical of Howson scripts they always needed another draft... they had all the characters they needed they just needed to use those characters more.

The rape scene is unpleasant but does have dramatic weight. Memorable final shot. Armstrong is very good. These films could've been little gems - they always fall short but they had potential.

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