Sunday, February 28, 2021

Movie review - "Good Times" (1967) ** (warning: spoilers)

 Sonny and Cher's only starring movie - though Bono made Chastity starring Cher - is a ramshackle effort with a everything-and-the-kitchen-sink-revue type feel, but has its charms. The 'Good Times' number is genuinely rousing: a fun song with a great dancing section (high kicks in bloomers on the bar). Sonny and Cher seem to be having fun. It's like a forerunner of their TV show - with send ups of Westerns, private eye films, Tarzan movies.

The middle plot is kind of serious (ish) - George Sanders insists they make a movie, Sonny signs, but has artistic doubts, Sanders insists they honour the contract, Sonny gets in a mood and things become all serious, he fights with Cher, then he sticks to his guns and Sanders lets him go... he respects the man, dammit. So, reality.

Sonny looks odd without a moustache.

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