Monday, June 01, 2020

Movie review - "Lady Stay Dead" (1981) *

Of all the genres they made in Australian cinema in 1981, this belongs to the genre that remains most common - psychos tormenting women - which says something about society, but also about the resilience of low budget genre.

Terry Bourke strikes me as one of those directors who can clearly produce but aren't very good directors. It's cleverly put together - one psycho, one location. Its pervy - full frontal nude swim from Deborah Coulls, who then has her head shoved in a fish tank the poor thing.

Chard Hayward throws his heart into the role of the psycho. Actually so does the whole cast. Louise Howitt screams a lot. Her character should have taken more control in the third act. Roger Ward kind of takes over, though it is fun to see him.

A lot of the second half choreography makes no sense. It's mean. Cruel. Exploitative. The film will have its fans.

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