Monday, June 08, 2020

Movie review - "The Empty Beach" (1985) **

Some moments remain vivid in my mind from watching this when I was young - the bright explosions at Bondi Pavillion at the end and Ray Barrett asking a cop who shot him how old he is, Nick Tate being stabbed in the surf, Bryan Brown accusing Belinda Giblin of stirring the shit...

This has bright photography, and Bondi at its 80s best, plus Bryan Brown in the lead. I haven't read the original book so don't know what if anything was changed but it's not a very good mystery - real estate developers and investigative journalists. It lacks a sense of reality and atmosphere. I don't think it was particularly well directed or written. Maybe it needed voice over.

There are some decent actors in the support cast who I would like to have seen more of - especially Ray Barrett but also John Wood. There's also some actors who are weak links. I found Joss McWilliam's killer effective. But it feels under cast in the support actor section.

There's decent moments - I like the final shoot out for all its silliness, and Cliff Hardy in the old persons home.

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