Saturday, June 09, 2018

Sterling Hayden Top Ten

Hayden's an interesting actor. A fascinating personal story - a sailor who was offered a film contract after someone saw his photo, leaping straight to leading roles and marriage to Madeleine Carroll, enlisting in the army and becoming a genuine hero, naming names and forever regretting it, taking off on a yacht and travelling the world. becoming a cult icon.

He never seemed to like acting much - he was more into writing and sailing - but attracted the interest of some big fans like Kubrick. Russell Crowe once said he based his LA Confidential performance on Hayden.

Is it possible to do a top ten? In no particular order:
1) Dr Strangelove (1964) - Hayden great fun as a lunatic general
2) The Asphalt Jungle (1950) - I'm surprised Hayden's career didn't get more of a boost after this Huston work... but I guess he was never out of work after it and this really established him in the fifties. Shame he never worked with Huston again - he could've easily fitted into Moby Dick or Roots of Heaven.
3) The Killing (1956) - more Kubrick, Hayden very effective.
4) The Last Command (1955) - Hayden as Jim Bowie in an enjoyable version of the Alamo.
5) The Long Goodbye (1973) - superb Hayden cameo as a drunk. I wish he'd worked more with Altman.
6) The Godfather (1972) - is it cheating to have this in here? I would argue Hayden's work still impresses.
7) The Star (1952) - Hayden was masculine and limited - I'm surprised he wasn't used more as a leading man in melodramas like this.
8) Johnny Guitar (1954) - it's really a Joan Crawford-Mercedes McCambridge film but Hayden impresses.
9) Prince Valiant (1954) - now I'm starting to strain! I put this in because it's so random.
10) King of the Gypsies (1978) - Hayden wild and weird.

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