Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Movie review - "Nightmare" (1956) **1/2

One of the last Pine-Thomas films - they were called Pine-Thomas-Shane by this stage to reflect the contribution of Maxwell Shane, who wrote many of their films. Shane was a very good writer - the Pine-Thomas scripts were generally strong - and this benefits from a good Cornell Woolrich source.

It's about a musician who dreams he's killed someone and is convinced the dream is real. Kevin McCarthy plays the lead and Edward G Robinson his brother in law. I wish Robinson had played the lead - he was a better actor, more of a star. But this was McCarthy's Invasion of the Body Snatchers heyday.

It feels 50s - jazz on the soundtrack, a groovy opening with McCarthy freaking out, some of the female actors have pointy breast outfits, there's more scenes outside (a picnic). I wonder if it would have been more effective set indoors.

Lots of good things about the movie but it feels as though it should have been made cheaper and all film noir. Also the story feels stretched - it needed another subplot or 20 minutes cut out or something. Maybe it would've been better as a one hour episode of an anthology. Or it needed more stars.

I mean, it's okay - Woolrich fans will enjoy it - just a bit underwhelming.

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