Friday, April 13, 2018

TV review - "Love" (2016-18) *** (warning: spoilers)

The first two seasons of this show I loved - insightful, funny, smart. Some very good writing and playing, typically strong Judd Apatow casting, and delightful in jokes (i.e. the depiction of the show 'Wichita', like at a talk back radio station, the erotic thriller.) All the actors are fantastic.

I feel the series went a season too long. You had two people with plenty of flaws and they eventually got past them to form a relationship by the end of season two - season three was just consolidation. I thought they'd blow up story bombs but they don't - she kind of cheated but it never comes out, she's sick and I thought she'd be pregnant but she isn't, she finds out some stuff in his past but it isn't that bad.

I mean I guess that's more interesting but it isn't as compelling. I liked them as a couple - she's too hot for him really but they show enough of her dud exes to indicate why she'd go for someone like this. I liked that both improved each other. I liked that they got married.

I loved the first two seasons, the last was a bit of a slog but I enjoyed the ending.

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