Friday, April 20, 2018

Script review - "A Quiet Place" by Bryan Woods and Scott Beck

This was an original version of the script - I haven't seen the film yet. Clocks in at 69 pages - apparently it was changed because John Krasinski put his name on it as author, and considering he directed it, that would be a lot of changes... and you wonder why because this script is brilliant. Tight, emotive, scary.

It's also a treat to read - the writers do things like change the size of the font, devote a page to one word or sentence, replicate a game of monopoly which becomes an important plot point.

It's not an inherently super cheap film - there are only four main cast and a few bit players in flashback, and a few locations, but there is an alien and a slam bang finale involving a wheat silo.

But it's gripping, clever, tough. It's really great.

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