Thursday, December 01, 2016

Movie review - "Anaconda" (1997) **

Schlocky fun which benefits of having a "before they were famous" cast including Jennifer Lopez, Ice Cube and Owen Wilson. There's also some people whose best days were behind them including Jon Voight and Eric Stoltz.

The story revolves around that old 1990s standby, a documentary film crew, trying to track down a lost tribe. Instead they stumble upon a killer anaconda. More time is spent dealing with crazed anaconda catcher Jon Voight (sporting an outrageous accent).

The highlight of the film is Voight who hams it up but is entertaining. The special effects of the anaconda are poor and there are surprisingly few suspenseful sequences involving the reptile. There are some enjoyably over the top attacks. I thought the script would use the lost tribe as a third act complication but no.

Stoltz's role is emasculating - he's knocked out for most of the film. Ice Cube gives a relaxed performance and Lopez is a likeable hero, even though at times you feel she's posing so the hair can go over her eye the right way. The scenery is pleasant. It's disappointingly mediocre - not bad enough to be a true masterpiece of crap but not a well made film at all.

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