Saturday, July 09, 2016

Movie review - "The Man from UNCLE" (2015) **1/2

I've never seen an episode of the TV series but can understand it's appeal to film producers: name recognition, two great star parts, sexy spies and intrigue, etc. There's some good stuff here - it's not a bad movie - with stylish costumes, neat music, some genuinely clever moments. But it never comes alive.

Everyone is very good looking. But Henry Cavill and Armie Hammer, while handsome, competent and able to wear clothes well, aren't stars. Says I anyway. Cavill is wrestling with his American accent and lack of sophistication; Hammer seems like a good bloke but simply isn't interesting. Hugh Grant pops up in the old Leo G Carroll role and has a twinkle in his eye, roguish humour and command of the screen that the other two don't have. It's a shame he wasn't young enough to play Napoleon Solo. And to show I'm not ageist, I'd claim that Alicia Vikander is a star - with that throaty voice and splendid 60s outfits (Guy Ritchie obviously loved putting her in those sunglasses).

Elizabeth Debicki is great fun as the femme fetale. The rest of the supporting cast are underwhelming as is the plot. The action sequences are sometimes clever but rarely actually exciting - Ritchie often uses distancing techniques to pull you out of the film. And this will sound odd but the budget feels $50 million too short in this day and age of immense spectacle.

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