Saturday, May 28, 2016

Movie review - "Some Girls Do" (1969) **

Deadlier Than the Male was popular enough for Rank to stump up the cast for a second attempt at turning Bulldog Drummond into James Bond. Richard Johnson is back although unfortunately Elke Sommer, Nigel Green and company don't.

We do have Daliah Lavi on hand as an assassin, but the support is lacking - James Villiers isn't as good as Nigel Green, Robert Morley is okay as "M" but lacks gravitas, Ronnie Stevens' silly ass assistant is weirdly reminiscent of the 1930s Drummond films. There is another annoying American character, played by Sydney Rome, and an array of bikinied beauties. The plot feels like they just pinched elements of the first, the James Coburn Flint films, and Dr Goldfoot and the Bikini Machine.

There's attractive scenery and pretty women. Johnson remains dull. Deadlier Than the Male was unexpectedly fun; this was a sequel too far.

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