Saturday, May 14, 2016

Movie review - "Jurassic World" (2015) **1/2

I don't care if it made a billion dollars it's not very good, a Spielberg film made by someone who isn't Spielberg. It's all a bit crap - the two juveniles get on the nerves (a posey teenage boy who seems interested in his hair, a bratty kid wanting to see rides); an underdeveloped personal connection with Bryce Dallas Howard (she's their aunt - who cares?).

Bryce Howard and Chris Pratt seem to be sending up their roles - uptight gal and cocky guy. The action scenes felt lazy - there's little stand out suspense and not much logic. Even though it's set off the coast of Costa Rice, it's a very white American cast.

It's colourful and some of the special effects are okay. I like the actors. I know it made a lot of money - surely that was nostalgia and big screen spectacle rather than anything else?

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