Saturday, April 02, 2016

Movie review - "The Ape" (1940) **

In the 1996 thriller Extreme Measures Hugh Grant uncovers a plot where shady doctors and nurses are operating on homeless people to develop a technique to cure paralysis... fifty years before that Curt Siodmak came up with a junky film about kindly-but-mad Boris Karloff using spinal fluid to cure a crippled girl's paralysis.

That's a great motivation for a mad scientist and this throws in a killer gorilla as well.The gorilla knocks off someone useful for the experiments, so when the gorilla dies Karloff steps in Frankenstein-style putting on a gorilla outfit so he can kill people and use the serum.

That's a strong story, enough for a full length feature if developed properly, which this isn't at a little over 60 minutes. Maris Wrixon is likeable as the crippled girl and Karloff is always good; the rest of the support cast is not as strong. It's silly and fun though not really that good.

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