Saturday, April 23, 2016

Book review - "The Pit and the Pendulum" by Lee Sheridan, Laurence French

Another in Bear Manor Media's much appreciated reprints of novelistations of old movies - in this case the 1961 Roger Corman-Richard Matheson-Vincent Price etc classic. Matheson had to do a lot of work to flesh out Poe's story to feature length, and did it by falling back on some reliable tropes: man arrives in mysterious castle looking for sister; mysterious man of the house who may or may not be a killer; dead person revealed to not really be dead; person going insane; person buried alive.

It's creepy and well structured and benefits from not having to endure John Kerr's performance.

There's an excellent separate bit about the making of the film, including looks at the script, Corman's direction, Price's performance, the art direction, etc.

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