Sunday, March 27, 2016

Movie review - "Ten Tall Men" (1951) **1/2 (re-viewing)

Burt Lancaster in the foreign legion - it starts out with hi jinks and escapades, complete with legionnaires in drag and Burt pretending to be an Arab, and Burt kissing trampy singers, then gets more serious with Burt leaving a mission of convicts, at which point a whole new movie starts - new love interest, new baddies, less jokes.

There are ten convicts and that's too many for them to have individual personalities (yes there was the Dirty Dozen but we got to know a few of those really well). There's meant to be a Gunga Din vibe with Lancaster and his two mates, Kieron Moore and Gilbert Roland, but it was too hard to tell even them apart and Jody Lawrence is a dull female lead, although she has a feisty character (a princess about to be married).

It feels like a bit of a hodge podge and tonally it's all over the place. Plenty of colour and movement.

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